I am very pleased to welcome you on my website!
The latest updates are now online, stay tuned! (from 16/07/2024)
- I was just appointed main subject flute teacher in the prestigious Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Koninklijk Conservatorium, University of the Arts). I am very excited to start my own class from September 2024. Don’t hesitate to apply! I am very proud to be part of the wonderful team of teachers within this great institution together with Josephine Olech (also newly appointed), Jeroen Bron and Wieke Karsten. Here is the new article the school published.
- highlights season 24/25: delighted to go back to The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra as principal flute guest in October 2024, and two great productions with my beloved Collegium Novum in Basel and Zürich in November 2024 (“Cantiones”: Saariaho, Pagh-Paan, Huber) and as well as a co-production with the Zurich Opera House/ Orchestra La Scintilla (“Lumières”, Rameau “Zaïs”/Grisey/Rameau “Les Boréades”/ Djordjevic) in May 2025! Let’s not forget great productions with my own orchestra with challenging new programs! Have a look here!
- Check the new dates in the “Concerts/Agenda” section of this website. Exciting plans ahead: Live radio broadcast, chamber music with Camerata RCO (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) in Heidelberg, Matthew’s passion with RCO Chamber orchestra, tour for the Dominic Seldis’s show, new Carmen theater production with Collegium Novum Zurich, Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, and more…
- “Le Nouveau Salon” , live on dutch radio NPO4/NPOKlassiek in the morning show of Ab Nieuwdorp “De Klassieken” on January 18th 2024! Together with Maarten Den Hengst (piano) and Floor Le Coultre (violin) we will play some extracts of my new Prokofiev sonata in trio and some more surprises. Save the date! Audio and video will be broadcasted. Watch here!
- Two new videos on my Youtube channel: Have a look into the promotion tour for my album “Le Nouveau Salon”, in France, “Carré des Coignart” Nogent sur Marne/Paris, solo concerts Grand opening of the exhibition “Les salons de la Belle Epoque” (7th of September) in collaboration with “le Cercle des Artistes Europeens” and for ” Les Journées du Patrimoine” (on 16th and 17th of September) and in Spain, in Grenade, recital flute and piano (on 8th of November) in the beautiful auditorio Manuel de Falla, as well as my first conference about “La Belle Epoque” at the Letters University (on 10th of November). Watch the videos here! www.cercledesartisteseuropeens.com/partenariats-dans-l-art-et-la-culture/
- Very happy with two more reviews of my CD, in the Dutch flute Magazine “Fluit” (by Daphne Dijkmans, Summer issue) and the French flute magazine “La Traversière” (by Franck Masquelier, September issue, number 146)
- Challenging start of my orchestral season with a dream program, Philharmonie Zuidnederland’s 10 years/ jubileeum concert (olv Duncan Ward): Ravel’s masterpiece Daphnis and Chloé, Rachmaninov’s Symphonic dances and amazing Abel Selaocoe’s new cello concerto “Four Spirits” (co-order Seattle Symphony/London Symphony /Philharmonie Zuidnederld) .
- October Pynarello tour “Souvenir” (check out the details on the concerts section)
- Honored to guest as principal flute with the Royal Concertgebouw orchestra in October, in two beautiful concerts and programs! (Ravel “Shéhérazade”, “Ma Mere L’Oye”, Smit “Silhouetten”,Loevendie “6 Turkish folk poems” and “Flexio”)
- Returning to Zurich in October for another challenging program with Colllegiun Novum Zurich in the Tonhalle, jubilleum season 30 years! Looking forward to play the new piece by Stefan Wirth “Mnemosyne” (Stefan is a dear friend and inspiration for “Le Nouveau Salon”. Check for more info and tickets on: www.cnz.ch
- Joining my orchestra again from December on, in the beautiful production of Raymonda, in Amsterdam National Opera and Ballet. Great productions coming up all along the season; check www.operaballet.nl and www.hetballetorkest.nl and www.ndt.nl
- The second half of the season will be detailed asap, but you can already expect a monumental Pynarello tour with Tchaikovsky “Pathetique” by hart! and nice productions in Zurich and Amsterdam.
- Rewatch the INSTAGRAM LIVE CHAT from June 27th with artistic director Beatriz Macias, for the Tampere Flute Fest Summer series about my new album! Congrats to Gabriel Cruz Ruiz for winning a signed copy!
- Very nice review by Paul Janssen in Klassieke Zaken Magazine (June 2023)! Go have a look (Dutch and English translation in the Projects/Le Nouveau Salon section of this website)
- New article about “Le Nouveau Salon” in the last issue of the Tampere Flute Fest Magazine (June 2023)! Go check it out ! (in the Projects/Le Nouveau Salon section of this website)
- I have a new YouTube channel since a few months, so don’t hesitate to subscribe! And watch my latest video of the entire 9th track of “Le Nouveau Salon”: Ravel’s violin sonata nr.1 Posthume rearranged for flute, together with the amazing Ivana Alkovic! Have a deeper look inside my debut album, with the gorgeous “Belle Epoque” photos of Kaupo Kikkas, some snaps of the release concert and so nice memories with Guido Tichelman! You can also see all the teasers /behind the scene, but also the full ballet Homo Ludens by star choreographer Juanjo Arques on the Dalbavie flute concerto interpreted by myself and accompanied with my own orchestra! Enjoy! (in the “Audio Videos” section of this website)
- The release concert of “Le Nouveau Salon” was a big success! Check the photos in the gallery and ORDER YOUR CD through the contact form of this website! (a webshop will soon be installed on this website, but in the meantime don’t hesitate to order it personaly to me for a special and personal signed message!)
- Nice interview in French by Marie-Christine Kok Escalle about my debut album! check it out!
- 2 nice tours planned with Pynarello in September 2023 “Souvenir” and the biggest one ever May/June 2024 “Pathétique”. Check for more info and tickets on: www.pynarello.com
Interview of Marion Schopman in the summer issue of “FLUIT”, the dutch flute magazine from NFG. (July 2020)
- Private live or online lessons available from now on, do not hesitate to contact me through the contact form!